20 Other Ways to Say I Can’t Stop Thinking About You

You miss them but it’s gonna be funny if you confess it directly. I understand if you are looking for another way to say I can’t stop thinking about you. Mind is a weird place. Most of the time, we repeat happy memories and sad memories altogether. It makes us feel crazy and the only way to make it go away is to simply say it. What if the words are not enough?

Other Ways to Say I Can’t Stop Thinking About You

You can’t stop thinking about your lover, ex lover, or somebody you used to know and now it is making you mad. You do not want to look clingy but at the same time you want him/her to know that you love them. Why not find creative ways to say that your lover has always been in your mind? Here are other ways to say i can’t stop thinking about you:

1. Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feels like

Isn’t it cute when people say that the mere sight of them makes them all giddy and excited? When you say this you are saying that your lover is a remarkable person that you still fall for every single day. And it’s totally worth it!

2. It’s been too long, let’s get together soon

This simple and effective line shows that you have always been thinking about your last encounter with your lover and that it was a very delightful encounter. This also shows that you crave your lover badly.

3. I miss you all the time

Hearing that you are missed by someone just means that that person enjoys your existence and always has you in mind! This is one of many subtle other ways to say I can’t stop thinking about you.

4. I dream of you all the time

Dreaming about someone means that you always think of that person in real life. Your subconscious mind also thinks of the person. It’s such a sweet thing to say!

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5. You are the first thing in my mind this morning

Say this while smiling and your lover will be the happiest lover in the world. Being the first thought in the morning is something really special.

6. This reminds me of you

You need to do this by giving your lover something that reminds you of them. Or a song, a picture, or her signature thing. This is a thoughtful way to win your lover’s heart because it feels that little details about them exist in your mind all along.

7. Good morning and (or) good night texts

Texting your crush good morning or good night with a few positive words will make them know that you think about them every time. Even when the day will end.

8. I want to be with you so bad

Having someone want you bad, with a desire, just means that they have been thinking about you so much. The thoughts about you build up in their chest and makes them want to collapse in your arms straight away. 

9. Not being with you is driving me insane

This is a really passionate thing to say but it will make your lover melt straight away with all that love and passion that reflects through these words.

10. I’m always here for you

Saying this means that you are always thinking about your lover as the first priority and always finding ways to make sure that your lover is happy in the relationship. It will make the relationship more heated and great! That’s also the cute ways to say I can’t stop thinking about you. 

11. I remember when we first… 

Tell them about something you did together for the first time. Tell them how sweet and beautiful it was. Also, ask them if they want to go there again just to feel the good time twice. 

12. I bought you something…

Let’s say you are just walking around the malls and you found one thing that reminds you of your specific person. That could be a watch, some food, favorite coffee, perfume, keychain, or anything. Then, buy it one and send it to your specific person. 

13. Send her a song

Both of you must have one soundtrack, a national anthem of your love story. Resend your lover that song or send a voice note of you singing that song. That’s other ways to say I can’t stop thinking about you. 

Sometimes, we are too shy to say “I love you” or “I can’t stop thinking about you” to our lovers. Maybe we are not the type of romantic people, but we feel that. Yet don’t worry, there are more cute ways to say I can’t stop thinking about you. 

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Another way to say I can’t stop thinking about you

Sometimes words are not enough, so you need actions to show that your lover is the constant thing in your mind. How do you say I’m thinking about you? Use this as an inspiration to make your lover crazy about you. 

1. Have a surprise for your lover 

Surprises are a pleasant way to say that you love your lover. What you have planned is a manifestation of how much you can’t stop thinking about them.

2. Bring things that make your lover happy 

Is it a special food or a certain thing? By giving your lover the thing you know they like, you are saying that you want them to be happy all the time.

3. Always communicate 

Having a healthy and flowing communication with your lover is a sign that you can’t get enough of your lover. That is so great!

4. Always initiate more meetups 

How do you say I’m thinking about you? By simply asking them to meet up. It’s just you like their company and you always want to be around them. 

5. Ask about their day 

By doing this, you are showing that you can’t wait to hear about themselves and that you are crazy about them. It is also a great way to make your lover more relaxed and happy!

6. Know their needs 

By knowing their need, you can give it to them without them even saying it. By doing this, you will make them feel loved, listened, and wanted. It also shows that you are always thinking about the best for them.

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More cute ways to say I can’t stop thinking about you

Let’s find another way to say I can’t stop thinking about you, here are: 

Let’s find another way to say I can’t stop thinking about you, here are: 

  • My phone misses your calls. 
  • It’s like ages I haven’t kissed your face. 
  • You came in my dreams last night. 
  • Taylor Swift sang You Belong with Me, and I do think so. 
  • I forget my keys but I remember we haven’t met for so long. 
  • Are you okay? Just missing something in you. 
  • Ask him or her, “how do you say I can’t stop thinking about you in Spanish?” No puedo dejar de pensar en ti. 

See? There are other ways to say I can’t stop thinking about you. Meanwhile, you can learn how to say what you really meant directly. Sometimes, people don’t get indirect messages.  

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Signs that your lover can’t stop thinking about you too

here are signs so that you know if your lover is feeling the same way too

1. They reply to your texts a lot 

It’s a good sign when you text your partner because you miss them and they reply with the same amount of excitement. If you find it hard to read the emotion behind the text, you can tell by the frequency and the words they use. 

2. They agree to more hang outs with you 

They love to hangout with you as much you love them to be around. It’s a good sign they like you too. Even if you don’t have any good plans for the day, they love laying on the floor while watching some YouTube videos. 

3. They stop you from leaving 

When you guys want to part ways, your lover will try to stop you from leaving by stalling the time. This just means that your lover can’t and won’t stop thinking about you!

It drives us mad when we always miss someone. But we should not keep it in our heart and let it build up to an unhealthy degree. Do these creative and other ways to say i can’t stop thinking about you, so that you will feel relieved and the relationship will escalate even more.