23 Words to Say to Someone Going Through a Difficult Time

What’s encouraging words to say to someone going through a difficult time? People are going through a difficult phase in their life sometimes. They need support to keep going from their closest ones. This is extremely important because sometimes these phases drain the life out of them and will make them prone to giving up. You can help them and raise them up.

Words to Say to Someone Going Through a Difficult Time

Giving support can come in many ways and one of them is through words. There are some words that are naturally soothing. If you do this, you might save a life! So, here are words to say to someone going through a difficult time: 

1. Nothing

Sometimes, it is best to say nothing and to just wholeheartedly listen to what they are anxious, sad, or worried about. Doing this will relieve their burden and help them go into a better mental state.

2. Tell them it’s okay to feel what you feel

Sometimes people try so hard to stop being sad or negative that actually it gets nowhere. Tell them that it is okay to feel these things because it will make the recovery faster.

3. I’m sorry that you are going through this

Saying this shows your sympathy or empathy. It will make them realize that they are not alone in feeling this way. This also shows that you are here for them.

4. I will always be here for you

Best things to say to someone going through a hard time is “I will always be here for you”. It’s simple and shooting for them. Knowing that someone is there behind your back and always ready to pull you up is a comforting and rare thing. 

5. Let go of the blame

It is easy to blame things or even themselves when something catastrophic happens to someone’s life. Saying this will remind them to loosen up to forgive and forget.

6. Time will heal

This is classic advice, but it’s alway true. You may not know how the future will turn out but you can promise them that this too shall pass. When time has passed, things will seem lighter and brighter. That is why you just need to hang on.

7. You are bigger than this

Encouraging words to say to someone going through a hard time are “you are bigger than this problem”. People easily feel small when they are faced by something tremendously hard. Because of that reason, you need to remind them of their strength and capability to get through it.

8. If you need help just say the word

Offering help gives plenty of relief to an anxiety and sadness induced mind. saying this will make them more relaxed and happy.

9. you’ve been down before, and you can get through this again

Reminding them about their strength that is actually already hidden deep inside them is a great way to put them back on their feet. It’s the wisest motivation to show to your loved ones when they are in pain. 

10. Take one step at a time

Most of the time, people feel overwhelmed by the big image of the future to the point where they feel paralized. Remind them to focus on the next few steps and then keep going for the next move. They will feel nothing seems impossible.

11. There are more things to look forward to

Remind them to take a look at the small things to be grateful for that might happen in the future. If you do this, you are giving them the drive to live one more day and then another brighter day.

12. I am so proud of you

Even when they are a mess, say this. Because saying this will make them feel proud of themselves too and it will make the day go way better.  

13. Focus on the present

When feeling sad, people usually dwell with the past for too long. This makes them more miserable. Tell them to focus on the now where nothing bad is happening and they are safe.

14. It’s not the end

Telling them that there is more to come and that this is not the end is a great way to boost their spirits. It reminds them that there is more to life that is much more beautifully captivating. 

15. Tell them you love them 

“I love you and I am here for you” are the best words to say to someone going through a difficult time. When they feel loved, they have more reasons to keep going. They know they need to keep trying for a brighter future with your love. 

16. Nothing but hug them 

Sometimes, anything you said will mean nothing when they are going through a difficult time. Meanwhile, you can give them a hug. A long deep hug to tell them that it’s gonna be okay. It is going to be okay. 

There are more words to say to someone going through a difficult time, but your present in their life means the most. You also need to listen to them and keep staying with them until they feel better and can think clearer. 

Best things to say to someone going through a hard time

These words will make them more relaxed. It will set them to the path of self recovery and self love. Here are more words to say to someone going through a difficult time:

1. Remember to be kind to yourself 

People often forget to take care of themselves with the most basic things. Not taking care of one’s self might make them more sluggish and prone to sadness.

2. Life happens 

By reminding them that life happens, make them take off the blame and unstuck feelings to the problem. Tell them that shits happen all the time, but we need to keep fighting and fighting. 

3. You did a great job 

Tell them that they’ve done the best they could. This will make them feel a little bit happier. You can also tell them that they can alway try and try again until they succeed. 

4. Take all the time that you need to heal 

Knowing that they have time to heal will actually make them more relaxed and positive. Tell them that you will help anything as you can to help them feel better. 

5. Just because something isn’t happening to you now, it doesn’t mean it never will 

Remind them that positive things will come and we just have to put a little bit of faith on it. It might not happen today, but who will know if it will come true tomorrow, so keep fighting. 

Signs that they are back to their positive state of mind

Signs that they are back on their feet because of your positive encouragements:

The words to say to someone going through a difficult time is not much. It focuses on building a safe place for the person to let go, heal, and eventually grow. Keep in mind the wise word to get people out of the rut. After that, see if they already have the signs that they are back to their positive state of mind.

Meanwhile, you may pick up those lines to help people, to make them feel okay. Indeed, we could make people feel better by showing our love through words to them. Cause we know, time flies, and everything can turn to be wrong and hurt if we don’t say good things now.